Friday, August 31, 2007

Another one to add to the list...

...of nicknames that I have been given: Mommees.

Yes, Levi has taken to calling me "Mommees". When Matt and I ask him what our names are, he says "Daddy" and "Mommees". I'm not 100% sure on the spelling of "Mommees", but it sounds like he's saying the combination of "Mommy is" real fast. Matt's theory is that Levi usually hears him talking about me relative to what I'm doing (i.e. Mommy is upstairs, Mommy is making supper) and thus thinks my name is "Mommy is". I'm sure this phase will pass, but for now I'm answering to "Mommees" - from Levi only!

In case you were wondering what else is on the list, here are some that I'm aware of: "O", Livy, Olive, Olivia from Bolivia, Lyb, Lyberskins, & Babe (as in the movie about a pig - because I snort when I laugh).


Anonymous said...

What about Green Jeans?

Olivia said...

Yes, that was a misfortunante oversight on my part. Thanks for the reminder!

Bradi said...

I snort when I laugh too and have passed it on to my two girls...nothing wrong with that! =)

Olivia said...

I've caught Levi snorting a few times too - who knew that trait would be genetic??

Anonymous said...

Is that you, Wrong-Way-Peach-Fuzz?