Monday, March 26, 2007

An Afternoon at the Park

Yesterday was perfect weather for a Sunday afternoon at the park. We took Levi to a little park near our house and he tried the swings and slides for the first time. Here are some pictures of our Springtime fun...


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! We spent our Sun. afternoon the exact same way. We have some similar pictures, too. Well, the poses anyway!

joan b. said...

Hi, Olivia! Checked your blog after getting your message on mine :) Loved the 'Fellowship of the Unashamed' - gave each of the kids in the pre-profession class at church a bookmark with that on it.
How wonderful that Levi is full of energy and full health after his surgery! It's remarkable how quickly he recovered - God is good!
BTW, can I use your idea of putting the church link on my blog?
Sending love!