Sunday, March 04, 2007


After a couple of busy weeks at our house, Levi and I decided
to go on a little road trip to Holland on Friday.
Perhaps a "snow and blowing snow" advisory isn't the best day
to travel, but we made it there and back safely.
Once we got to Holland, we picked Matt up at work and headed to the Parkway Inn for lunch - a recommendation from one of Matt's co-workers. Levi had dry 'O's for his appetizer, but he proceeded to eat most of a chicken finger off mommy's plate. After lunch, we took Matt back to work and we got to see his office, tour the Holland branch and meet some of his co-workers.

Levi tried to figure out what daddy means
when he talks about using a "digitizer".

Levi thought he was pretty big stuff
sitting in daddy's chair all by himself!

1 comment:

MiniMe Mom said...

That is the cutest picture of him in the chair! I love the birthday tractor smash cake! So cute! nice seeing you at MOPS the other day:-)