Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Feel the Love!

This past Sunday, we went to a different church for our nephew's dedication. During the service, Levi made his way down the aisle to sit by his 7-year-old cousin, Faith. Levi was in his glory and behaved surprisingly well! After church we found the following note written in Levi's notebook:

Today, the fun-annoying pendulum was in full swing as Faith and Bella came over for the day. The kids played quite well together and I was able to get some things accomplished around the house! During Reuben's nap, the girls and Levi enjoyed a popcorn treat while watching CARS.

Levi and Faith cozied up in one of the Lay-z-boys...

...while Bella had the other Lay-z-boy to herself and kept asking Levi to come sit with her.

In spite of being "a little annoying", Levi was in high demand today!

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