Tuesday, October 02, 2007

If you guessed duck hunting...

you would be correct! And this is what Matt will be wearing on Saturday morning...

Well, the waders at least - I'm not sure the coat will be necessary with the predicted 80 degree weather!
Now only 4 more sleeps...


Anonymous said...

angie said "nice legs Matt"

Angie said...

I believe the comment was actually "Hot, Matt, nice legs!" Just for the record.

Anonymous said...

Legs, what legs? We don't see any legs!

Anonymous said...

I am supposed to be "Completely" camoflage! You're not supposed to see me at all. At least you can't see my "Bird Ankles"!

Angie said...

Maybe you should show them off, the ducks might be attracted to one of their "kind"

Janna said...

OK, so the first time the page loaded, it only pulled up the picture of Matt in "full gear". I actually had to pause and look closely because I couldn't tell if it was Matt.

So, is Levi scared of Matt when he puts all his "gear" on?

Matt, good luck staying camouflaged when it's humid and in the 80's!