Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy Friday - From Katie

"Happy Friday!

I wanted to give an update on Luka, but from now on, I will only send updates if there is major news to share. It's a positive thing, I think, not to have such major updates to send to people everyday!

Luka is pretty much the same today as yesterday. He was moved out of the ICU because 4 other kids came into the hospital that were in worse shape than Luka and the ICU is only 4 rooms big, so he and Josh and Mandy are now all in the same room at the hospital. His various levels/counts etc continue to go in the right direction. He gets tired very easily and is too weak to walk, which frustrates him, so please pray that he'll get his appetite back (for now, he's content with watermelon, apple slices, and Pediasure) and gain strength and be able to walk and play again soon.

In Christ,

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