Monday, October 25, 2010

Carpool Conversations

The route we take from preschool to Katelyn's house passes by a small cemetery. On our drive today, Levi and Katelyn got into a bit of a "discussion" about what it is.

I think it was Katelyn who thought it was a place to go camping and Levi thought it was a place to go dying. After a few times back and forth (camping, no dying, no camping, no dying...), Levi declared that they were both right. He said that it was a place to go camping and then you die.

He went on to say that when you die, they dig a hole and put you in the ground and cover you up with dirt. Then, he continued, you get a new body with new skin. Finally, he said that when he gets his new skin, it is going to be bumpy and scratchy like his dad's.

It was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud!

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